I am the sum of my choices
Every mistake, every regret,
Every feeling ever felt
Every step i have and continue to take.
This is who I am.
I am a product of God's grace and mercy
Every particle of ether i breathe,
Every day for which i have a heartbeat,
Every step i have and continue to take.
This is who I am.
I am the accumulation of my dreams
Every hope of grandure as a youth
Every fantasy no matter how distant from truth.
Every step i have and continue to take.
This is who I am.
I am molded by my fears
Every failure that haunts me
And brings me to tears
Every obstacle overcome
Every punch ever swung
Every fight within myself
Trying not lose one's self
Every step i take onward
Keeping in mind the past and what I left backwards.
Seeing the light at the end,
Not death but a new beginning.
Unafraid for the future that awaits me
New sights and beauties for me to see.
Who am i?
I am the sum of my choices
Every mistake, every regret,
Every feeling ever felt
Every step i have and continue to take.
I am a man
Flawed in many ways
And this is who I am.
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